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Faith and Ken Haley |
Ken Haley is a missionary, business owner, and elder at Encourager Church. In this message shared 6/8/14 he discusses taking our rightful place in Christ; and how to avoid the pitfalls of bitterness, generational curses and more.
Taking your
place in Christ
Encourager Church Sunday June 8, 2014
Ken expects
God to move today.
Each of us
will receive something from God today.
Today is
Pentecostal Sunday; the birth of the church.
A good day
to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Some of you
have been experiencing the same thing over and over.
spirits can be put to rest today.
Today is the
day of salvation.
You can be
set free from generational curses.
Expect God
to change situations in your life.
It’s not
always going to be the same.
God wants to
be real in your life today.
Let God
change your life.
God has so
much for us.
Allow the HS
to move in our lives.
Some people
here don’t feel like they’re really loved.
God loves
God came to
heal the brokenhearted.
Some have
been brokenhearted, divorced, etc.
You have a
life, a future; God has something better for you.
Be open, it
can happen to you.
You’re not
the only hard case God has to deal with.
Allow Him to
do it.
You may be
totally broke, not sure where the next dollar is coming from.
God will
hear you today.
Test Him.
God I expect
You to move in my life.
Jesus can
and will meet every need you have.
God is
bigger than everything.
Corinthians 3:16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that
God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
Dwelling is
a place of habitation (not visitation).
The woman at
the well didn’t know she was thirsty until Jesus revealed it to her.
God wants to
promote you to where you’re supposed to be in Him.
If you know
Christ and move in the power of the HS God moves through you and [enables] you
to touch people.
3:10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know
the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming
like him in his death,
determined purpose was to know Jesus.
Study the
words of Jesus.
Meditate on
Ask the
Lord, “What did You mean by that Jesus?”
And He’ll
build you up.
How much do
you want to know Jesus?
In India
there are so many false gods.
You can walk
and know that you trust in the true living God.
1 John 4:13-14
13 This is how we know
that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 14 And
we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of
the world.
“God I need
to be set free from this…”
God hears
We ask God
for a lot of things but some things we need to be quiet about.
It’s all
about God’s timing.
Paul knew
the power of Christ’s resurrection.
Do you know
Get to know
him more intimately and deeply.
Cancer, etc
– the name of Jesus is above all those names.
Ken was in
line [at a store] with someone who was cursing the name of Jesus so Ken started
praising Jesus.
It quieted
things down.
in Mexico were being rushed by a dog .
They called
on the name of Jesus and that dog stopped in its tracks and fell.
8:16-17 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
co-heirs with Christ.
Christ will
help you to move and flow in that.
Sometimes we
allow our personal worth to be determined by job, family, etc.
We need to
agree with what God says about us.
That’s where
you get your worth and identity.
If you allow
others to influence you they can become idols.
Guard your
mind; protect it.
Some of you
here are listening to the wrong voice and don’t think you’re worth a lot.
Put your
identity in Christ.
That job may
not always be there but Christ will.
3:27 for all of you who were baptized
into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
9:20 the woman with issue of blood was healed.
yourself as the one wearing the garment.
supposed to walk like Jesus; imitate Jesus.
Be healed,
rise and walk.
People are
looking for Christ in you.
So show it
to them.
People can
be healed through us.
If God is
for you who can be against you.
My boss.
Well let him
be against you; God is for you.
Maybe the
problem in the world is identifying with everyone except Christ.
Jesus says “Stand
in my place” (not in everyone else’s place).
Corinthians 11:7 A man ought not to
cover his head,[a] since he is the image and glory of God; but
woman is the glory of man.
As Ken was
studying the Lord told him bitterness would hinder people from receiving this
is a stronghold, a principality.
12:15 See to it that no one falls short
of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and
defile many.
It’s like
drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Ken’s wife
is named Faith.
The dog got
out and they couldn’t find it anywhere.
Faith was so
bitter and angry.
Finally they
got him and Faith was fussing at him.
She was in
the car fussing and the Lord said “The dog is over there napping and you’re
still bitter.”
When the
bible identifies something as a root then it’s a principality.
6 fruits of
bitterness: unforgiveness, resentment, anger, retaliation, hatred ?
is a seed that grows.
If you
choose not to forgive it grows into resentment.
retaliation; keep thinking about it.
Then moves
into anger and hatred.
You’re so
angry you hate that person.
Look what
they did to Jesus; He didn’t hate.
Spirit of
offense comes in.
(physical or otherwise).
What do you
Don’t agree
with it.
You’re a Son
of God; a joint heir with Christ.
perish for lack of knowledge.
If you know
to repent it’ll save you.
We all have
to guard ourselves against the spirit of offense.
It can be
difficult to forgive ourselves.
Choose to
forgive yourself.
If you can’t
like yourself… it’s hard to like somebody else.
“I like
principality of bitterness is like this.
Ken had
flowering plant.
Forgive me.
Cuts off
But the root
is still there.
If we don’t
get the root out, the problem will grow back.
Choose to
get rid of the root of bitterness.
It’s usually
a generational sin.
We didn’t
ask for it.
Abraham was
a liar.
Lied about
his wife.
Isaac did
the same thing; same words to the same king.
Isaac’s son
Jacob was famous for lying; and went on to have 10 lying sons.
God can
still use you but don’t lie.
problems get bigger/worse with each generation.
Break that
generational sin in your life.
David lusted
after Bathsheba.
David’s son
raped his sister.
Solomon also
had a lustful spirit.
He had 1000
women he couldn’t satisfy.
Rise up and
stop that generational sin.
“I don’t
want that passed down to my children and grandchildren.”
You may be
orphaned, adopted but you can look in the mirror and see what was passed down.
In India
newspaper article said men 18-25 are really into pornography.
It’s an epidemic.
It’s taken
the minds of the young people.
Know who you
are in Christ.
Know that
your heavenly Father is with you.
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